Our blog is packed with gorgeous inspiration and our musings on all things floral and beautiful! You also get to see the floral creativity from our gorgeous real-life weddings as well as the latest news, products, events and activities from The Flower Lounge.


2017, What a Year!

Published on: Dec 29

As 2017 draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on what has been an incredible year.

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Our new look revealed

Published on: Nov 28

After a couple of weeks of upheaval, it was a delight to see the finished article captured on camera – I think it finally hit home that I have got the shop of my dreams!

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The launch of Christmas

Published on: Nov 23

We were thrilled to host our Christmas Preview Evening last week and see so many of you turn out to support us

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Win A Giant Penguin!

Published on: Nov 15

We have slightly fallen in love with this not so little guy in our shop window! A 75cm tall penguin covered in soft, downy feathers and stealing the hearts of all passers-by.

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The Best Wedding Event EVER!

Published on: Nov 14

Unlike many other wedding shows, it’s an exclusive, intimate showcase from some of the region’s top wedding suppliers!

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